Welcome to your Blueprint for Successful Real Estate Investing

In this comprehensive online course and coaching program, Dr. Lindsey Duguet and Lauren Ziminsky provide a step-by-step guide to real estate investing. Whether you are new to real estate or are looking for tools to scale your real estate portfolio, our program will help you remove mental roadblocks and build a successful portfolio that produces passive income for years to come.


Online Course & Coaching Options

Online Course

Self-directed online course includes 6 modules that will transform you into a savvy real estate investor. It contains a blueprint for investing in real estate and maximizing your tax benefits.

6 Complete Modules

Active vs. Passive investing, tax strategies, mindset for success, creating generational wealth, financial freedom and the exact steps to get there!

Private Facebook Group

Paperback Real Estate Investing Unlocked Book

Welcome Gift Package

Group Coaching

Coming Soon! Studies show that you are far more likely to achieve a goal when you have external accountability. Get full access to a community of like-minded investors with monthly accountability calls.

The Complete Online Course Package

- PLUS -

Monthly Group Coaching Calls

Unlimited Access to Webinar & Group Call Recordings

Private Group Messenger

Private Mentoring

Coming Soon! Weekly 1-hour private coaching calls with both Dr. Lindsey and Lauren for 6 months to hold your hand through the entire process of goal setting, buying property, maximizing your tax advantages and weekly accountability.

The Complete Online Course Package AND The Complete Group Coaching Package

- PLUS -

Private Mentoring! Weekly One Hour Coaching Calls with Dr. Lindsey & Lauren for 6 months

Private Underwriting Deal Analysis

Private Text Group

Meet Your Mentors

Dr. Lindsey Duguet and Lauren Ziminsky own a combined nearly 1,000 rental units including single family, apartments and hospitality.


Learn how to diversify your portfolio into real estate.

If you don't have real estate in your investment portfolio, you are not diversified (and we don't mean publicly-traded REITs). Real estate offers returns from multiple sources including cash flow, appreciation, tax advantages and velocity of capital. Topics of our Online Course and Coaching Program include:

  • Active vs. Passive Investing
  • Tax Strategies
  • Mindset for Sucess
  • Creating Generational Wealth & Financial Freedom through Passive Income

Now is the Time

The best time to buy real estate was 20 years ago, the next best time is right now. Investing in real estate requires more education than buying a publicly traded stock, but the benefits of real estate investing are not comparable to any other asset class. Now is the time to diversify your portfolio into real estate, and we are here to give you the tools to do it successfully.


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